Extend the Learning: Virtual Field Trip to the San Diego Zoo

Take a Trip to the Zoo with Peppa!

Posted by NOGGIN on Sunday, April 26, 2020

Peppa goes on a class trip to the zoo! Watch the full episode now in the Noggin app and visit the penguins, butterflies, and tortoises along with Peppa, and learn a few fun animal facts from Mr. Lion and Madame Gazelle!

💡Skill: Moving your body like an animal builds muscles. Guessing builds cognitive skills.


Animals stretch, leap, hop, and climb. Pretend to be amazing animals, and see if someone can guess who you are!



Here’s how to explain this activity to your child:

Extend the Learning

Play an animal movement game with our printable masks! Simply cut out the eyes from each animal mask; place the masks face down on the table; and when a player picks and holds up a mask, the other players give clues by making sounds and moving like that animal until the player can guess what animal mask they are wearing! Have more fun by learning to dance like Chickaletta and discovering weird but wonderful animals.

Words to Use 

Pro Tip 

Help your child by adding the sounds an animal might make so guessing is a little easier. If your child is ready for a challenge, make up an animal dance for each animal!

💡Skill: Imagining animals helps build children’s creative thinking and problem solving skills. Doing art projects builds the small muscles in their wrists, hands, and fingers.


Real life animals can do amazing things. Work with your child to imagine superpowers for his or her own imaginary animal and then create a drawing or illustrated story about it. 


Printable coloring sheets (optional)

Printable puppets (optional)

☑ Paper

☑ Crayons/markers


Here’s how to explain this activity to your child:

Extend the Learning 

Meet Shine’s tiger friend, Rainbow. This tiger is a colorful example of how kids can use their imaginations to transform real animals into imaginary ones! Then create puppets by simply cutting the printable and gluing the top and side edges. Once dry, use to put on a puppet show! Print the coloring sheets and help kids draw their own unicorn.

Words to Use 

Pro Tip

If your little artist wants, help him or her put paper together to make a book about the imaginary animal. If your child needs help, start with a real animal, like a dog, and add some fun features like wings or the ability to speak!

💡Skill: Pretending to protect animals helps children learn to care for others and begin to understand how to keep animals safe.


There are a lot of animals with awesome powers who are endangered and need our help! When animals are endangered there are not many left on Earth, and they could become extinct. Work with your child to save the animals!


Printables (optional)

☑ Toy animals


Here’s how to explain this activity to your child:

Extend the Learning

Print our fun fact coloring book for your kids; check out the World Wildlife Fund to learn how to help animals; and meet some really cool gorillas with Diego!

Words to Use 

Pro Tip 

You can help your little hero choose one animal to help. For a challenge, ask your child to write a story about saving an endangered animal.

💡Skill: Learning about animals builds language skills and observational powers. It also builds children’s knowledge about the world.


Learn about animal powers with a virtual field trip to see the koalas, elephants, tigers, and butterflies! YOU and your child will be explorers and learn about some of the most incredible animals on Earth.


Printable (optional)

☑ Crayons/Markers (optional)


Here’s how to explain this activity to your child:

🐾  Koalas

🐾  Elephants

🐾  Tigers

Extend the Learning

Don’t forget to print an explorer’s pack before your virtual trip to the zoo! The printable pack contains a map, binoculars, and activities kids can complete as they visit each animal. Kids can watch as Peppa and her class visit the zoo, and play an animal-identify game with Molly from Bubble Guppies.

Words to Use 

Pro Tip

Some of the animals might wander off screen, so watch for a while or check back later. If your child wants a challenge, work together to research and learn more about his or her favorite animals; write about what the animals can do!

💡Skill: This activity helps children express themselves and take turns, which builds self-control.


End the day with animal stories!


There are so many amazing animals — from giraffes that grow taller than trees to cheetahs that run faster than cars!

Words to Use 

💡Skill: Moving and stretching builds the big muscles in the legs, back, core, and arms.

Practice Cobra Pose with Gil

Posted by NOGGIN on Sunday, April 26, 2020

Start the day by practicing Cobra Pose with Gil, and then try moving like other amazing animals!


Have you ever seen animals wake up? They stretch their bodies to get ready to move. Let’s try!

Words to Use 

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💡Skills: Throwing and catching a ball can help your child learn about how the Earth goes around, or orbits, the Sun — and build his or her muscles. 


The Earth makes one big circle, or orbit, around the Sun each year. Every day, the Earth turns around; when it faces the Sun, it is daytime and when it faces away from the Sun, it is nighttime. Play a game with your child to use your bodies to learn how this works!


☑ Reusable paper or plastic bag

☑ Old papers

☑ Tape

Set Up 

Here’s how to explain this activity to your child:

Pro Tip:

If your Earth hero is ready to do more, see how many times you can throw and catch the ball without dropping it! Can you get up to 10? Try moving farther away from each other. If your child needs a simpler activity, try rolling the ball back and forth from the Sun to the Earth while sitting on the ground. The child can scoot in an orbit, while sitting down.

Extend the Learning

Kids can learn more by watching Blaze fight a fire and creating a booklet with facts about fire dogs — dalmatians like Marshall, and creating a helmet they can wear during their pretend play time.

Words to Use 

Recycled Masterpiece

Skills: Creating art from recyclable materials builds your little artist’s creativity and helps him or her think about how to take care of our Earth.

Skills: Creating art from recyclable materials builds your little artist’s creativity and helps him or her think about how to take care of our Earth.


Famous artists create art from recyclable materials like bottle caps, car parts, paper tubes, and old magazines. You and your child can be artists who care about the Earth and create a masterpiece from things you find in your recycling bins.


Recyclable materials, like empty egg cartons or cereal boxes

Craft materials you have at home like paint, glue, tape, and string

Set Up

Here’s how to explain this activity to your child:

Peppa Pig loves to create her own artistic masterpieces. Today, we’re going to create something beautiful — and we’re going to do it with things we find in our recycling bin so we are protecting the Earth!

First, let’s collect items (like empty egg cartons, cereal boxes, oatmeal containers, and toilet paper tubes). YOU can turn almost anything into art!

What should we create? Let’s use tape or glue and other craft supplies we have at home to create our own Earth-friendly recycled masterpieces!

Tell me about your art! What else can we make?

Pro Tip

If this is too easy, have your little artist make a gallery of his or her art created using recyclable objects. Write down an explanation of each masterpiece! If you want to take a simpler approach, try having your child pick one object — like an empty egg carton — and color it with markers or crayons!

Extend the Learning

Watch as Madame Gazelle assigns an eco-friendly art project to Peppa’s class, and then learn to create one with cereal boxes and other household objects!

Words to Use

Masterpiece – a very special work of art

Artists – someone who makes art

Create – to make

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